I’m happy to announce that Gravity Football is now available in the Blackberry Playbook App World!

This is a huge step for me, I’m starting to move from an ads only revenue model to a mixed model, that includes direct sales.

I really don’t know if this is going to work, but I love to research new platforms =)


This game is a full port, with all new screens and redesigned gameplay. Also, there are a lot of bugfixes and enhancements.

You can check the latest news at the Gravity Football Facebook Page

For the first time I can say: Buy it Now! =P

3 Responses to “Gravity Football: World Cup”

  1. No me cierra una cosa, si hacen el jueguito de Perón porque ponen el texto en inglés si son argentos????????????

  2. el tema es que a esta pagina la visita gente de todo el mundo. Nos guste o no, el ingles es el idioma por defecto en internet (capaz que en unos años tenga que escribir en chino! =P)

  3. Hola, muy bueno el art

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